Friday, June 17, 2011

jennifer angus

I first saw Jennifer Angus' work at the Museum of Art and Design's "Dead or Alive" show last year in NYC.  (See my blog post about that show here) Her work combines my obsession for art, textiles, repeating patterns, and bugs together, so I absolutely love it and love her for doing it! Yes, I have a weird fascination with bugs. As scared and grossed out by most bugs as I am, I find them amazing little creatures and they come in the most beautiful colors and designs. They rank high with me for design inspiration, as do birds, tropical fish and chameleons.  Butterflies are beautiful, but Jennifer prefers to use bugs like beetles and weevils, (weevils are my favorite, I have done a lot of art in the past with weevils) Jennifer uses the same bugs over and over again for her installations.  Here she explains how she acquires the bugs- Working with Insects-The Ethics.  If you are in the Los Angeles area, please check out her current show All Creatures Great and Small at the Craft and Folk Art Museum which will be up until September 11, 2011. After that her work will be featured at the Memorial Art Gallery in Rochester, NY from October 22, 2011 to January 15th 2012. (Which by the way has a fiberarts exhibition that looks pretty great and is open until July 3rd) 


Visit Jennifer's webpage here


  1. Wow Jennifer's work is incredible - not sure I'd have the stomach for actually touching all those bugs, but incredible nevertheless!!

  2. I used to work with insects as well and it was hard sometimes because if they were alive I would be terrified!!
