Monday, October 31, 2011

little punk people

Happy Halloween!!

NJ artist (go Jersey!!) and FIT fine arts graduate (me too!) Daniela Fullam creates "one-of-a-kind clothing, pillow goons and original art for you and your little punks!" I am amazed at the amount of work she creates, constant Facebook updates on new paintings and other creations! She is truly passionate about her art and it shows. Visit her website here and the little punk people Facebook page here.  She makes infant, toddler and adult clothing, pillows, paintings - including custom paintings (the family portraits are precious!) If you are in the NY metro area or NJ you can catch Daniela at Comic Con, (check out a recent blurb on the Make Magazine blog here) as well as ChillerMonster ManiaHorrorHoundDays of the DeadHorrorfind and plenty of art shows throughout the year like Maxwell's (miss that place!) The Loop Lounge, both in NJ. She has also had shows at the Toy Tokyo Gallery, The Limelight, The Roxy and Giant Stepp in NYC. Whew!! Besides being a mom, Daniela pretty much has the coolest job of anyone I know! 

Here's Daniela and her little monster Elliot! 

I also need to mention her husband Justin who I grew up with because they make up a really talented crew- check out his band Killed by the Bull here!

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